InterCert GmbH

DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle

ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015  
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems
DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems
DIN ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management system
DIN EN ISO 22000:2018 Food safety management systems
DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017 Information security management systems
DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 Energy management systems 
Regulation (EU) No 715/2013 Commission Regulation (EU) No 715/2013 of 25 July 2013 establishing criteria determining when copper scrap ceases to be waste under Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
Regulation (EU) No 333/2011 Council Regulation (EU) No 333/2011 of 31 March 2011 establishing criteria determining when certain types of scrap metal cease to be waste under Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
ISO/IEC 17065:2012  

IEC 61215

DIN EN 61215

Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval

IEC 61730 1 & 2

DIN EN IEC 61730 1 & 2

Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification

1998/214/EG, 2+, EN 1090-1: 2009 + A1: 2011 Design of steel structures and aluminum structures - Part 1: Verification of compliance of structural components Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 1: Criteria for selecting the appropriate level of quality requirements Construction products
DIN EN ISO 3834-1: 2006-03 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 1: Criteria for selecting the appropriate level of quality requirements Construction products
Regulation (EU) 305/11 Construction products

Zertifizierung von Spielhallen gemäß § 29 Abs. 4 GlüStV:2021, mit bundesweiter Geltung der

Konformitätsaussage, auf der Grundlage des Zertifizierungsprogramms:

Sicherung des Jugend- und Spielerschutzes innerhalb des gewerblichen Geldspiels in Deutschland

Revision 2.3

Die Zertifizierung berücksichtigt die inhaltlichen Regelungen des jeweiligen Landesrechts.



Notification no. CE 2584

Regulation (EU) 305/11                Construction products